Infrastructure Profile
With best of infrastructure we provide education with overall development of the child so that children from rural & backward areas can also leads the world.
The sports policy for school is based on the philosophy of enjoyment, recreation, flexibility, agility, muscular coordination and developing basic skills in selected sports disciplines .
Our philosophy of Education is directed towards the development of global citizenship and is based on care of the individual.
With this thought we are providing best of the possible infrastructure right from the education with smart electronic classroom, fully featured sports and their equipment.
S.No | Rooms | Number |
1 | Class Room | 36 |
2 | Physics Lab | 1 |
3 | Chemistry Lab | 1 |
4 | Biology Lab | 1 |
5 | Math’s Lab | 1 |
6 | Computer Science Lab | 1 |
7 | Library | 1 |
8 | Art Room | 1 |
9 | Staff Room | 2 |
10 | Sports Room | 1 |
11 | Music Room | 1 |
12 | Activity room | 1 |
13 | Activity room | 1 |
14 | Other Rooms | 6 |
Existing classrooms are converted into technology enable smart class rooms with Interactive Digiboard Systems with a computer connected to a dedicated smart-class. Teachers use the digital resources such as animations, video, clips and simulated models as a part of their 35-40 minute classroom period to teach the specific topics in classrooms
Medical Aid for students
Sick children should be kept at home. If a child becomes sick at school, the limited school facilities will be used, until parents are contacted. Parents are then requested to take children home. Parents are notified immediately if a child has a serious accident. If it is not possible to make contact then medical assistance will be sought at the doctor identified on the personal record cards, or at the hospital. Prescription medicine brought to school by a child will be administered by ancillary staff, once a parent requests such assistance in writing.
If a student becomes ill at school or has an accident she or he is cared for and parents contacted to make arrangements for going home.
If students require medication at school it should be in a container clearly labelled with name, class, dosage and time to be taken. All medication should be given to the teachers assistant at the beginning of the school day. It is important for parents to keep the school informed of changes to telephone numbers so that contact can be made quickly if necessary.
Disease Patients
- Chicken Pox Exclude until recovered or for at leats 5 days after blisters first appear
- Diphtheria Exclude until a medical certificate is produced
- Hepatitis (A) Exclude until a medical certificate is produced
- Measles Exclude for at least 4 days from the appearance of the rash
- Meningitis (bacterial) Exclude until well
- Meningococcal Infection Exclude until well
- Mumps Exclude for at least 9 days after the onset of symptoms
- Leprosy Exclude until approval to return has been given by Medical Officer of Health
- Poliomyelitis Exclude for at least 14 days from onset and until a medical certificate is produced
- Rubella Exclude until fully recovered or for at least 4 days after the rash appears
- Streptococcal Infection Exclude until person has received antibiotic treatment for at least 24 hours
- and has recovered from the illness.
- Tuberculosis Exclude until approval to return has been given by Medical Officer of Health
- Typhoid Fever Exclude until a medical certificate is produced
- Whooping Cough Exclude for at least 5 days after starting antibiotic treatment
Common Local Diseases Affecting Skin, Hair and Eyes
- Conjunctivitis Exclude until discharge from eyes ceases
- Impetigo (school sores) Exclude until appropriate treatment has commenced and sores on exposed
- surfaces are covered with a dressing.
- Ringworm, Scabies Exclude until the day after treatment has commenced
- Pediculosis (lice)
Other Conditions which may be infectious in nature
Diarrhoea: Exclude until diarrhoea ceases
(Rotavirus, Shigella, Giardia, Salmonella, Campylobacter)
School had its transport services which provide pick and drop facility to school students. All the special care is given in maintenance of vehicles. Every bus has a teacher and an attendant on duty during every pick up and dropping off students.
The safety and security of children is of prime concern for our institution and our security system is the best that can ever be. The Security is engaged to provide 24X7 security and safety at GNPS, Nalagarh to keep round the clock vigil during both day and night in the school building and in every bus while on movement. This institution has sufficient no of Security Guards/Supervisors who can monitor the security of the Main Gate as well as campus security. The Supervisor is fully trained and monitors carefully security matters at every corner of the campus. We have an accomplished team that works tirelessly to ensure that our children are safe.
The GNPS school library can boast of being one of the best, in terms of catering to the needs and wants of our student body. Books and novels covering a vivid spectrum of topics right from inspirational autobiographies and biographies of the world’s most memorable people, events and places to downright fantasy world tales are available to be used at random by the students and their teachers. In addition to the ones mentioned earlier, the GDPGSS school library also houses all the leading dailies, the weeklies and the monthly periodicals, local and national, magazines and write-
The school library here at GNPS, is stationed with the hope and expectation that it is used to the maximum by all the students studying here. Great care has been taken to choose a perfect set of books in a variety of subjects, and in re-
Science Lab
The school has large well-
Language Lab
A state of the art language lab is being developed for providing greater emphasis to the language skills of the student. The ultra modern facility and equipment caters to the future needs of our growing children in times when language and communication skills have come to play great importance.
Computer Lab
Computer science is a compulsory subject in the school and computer labs offer a lot of scope for all children to acquire hands-
which are equipped with the following :
- Multimedia systems –
17″ Flatron colour monitor - Optical mouse
- MS-
Internet keyboard - Separate headphones for each user
- Fast internet connection round the clock
- Online UPS for system backup
- Networked environment
In addition, the school also has a wide collection of interesting and educational CDs on a variety of topics